Amenities at both Blood Farm and Egbert Farm include:
Location: Southern end of the park about one mile from the Rynd Farm entrance off State Rt 8 on State Park Road.
Equipment was provided by a charitable fund administered by PNC Bank.
In 2019 new playground equipment was installed at Blood Farm.
The equipment was installed by park personnel.
Location: At Petroleum Centre on Plumer Road across from the park office and amphitheater.
In 2016 Friends of Oil Creek State Park received a grant to purchase new playground equipment for the Petroleum Centre (Egbert Farm) day use area.
The grant was written by Greenways and provided by a charitable fund administered by PNC Bank.
Site preparation and equipment installation was done by park maintenance personnel.
Our thanks to all those involved in this project.
Picnic pavilions may be reserved up to 11 months in advance for a fee. Call 888-PA-PARKS or the park office at 814-676-5915 for reservations.
Unreserved picnic pavilions are free on a first-come, first-served basis.
The visitors center is located at the old train station just across the bridge from Egbert Farm.
Petroleum Centre was the focal point of the early oil boom.
The visitors center hosts displays and programs. “A Contrast in Time” slideshow takes you on a six-minute journey through time. The din of pumping wells and shouting men in the 1860s contrasts with the rustling leaves in a gentle breeze in present day Oil Creek. The train station is open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays during the summer season. Visit the Train Station Visitor Center for historical displays, an exciting diorama and an interactive computer information center.
A train still chugs through the valley and stops at the Train Station in Petroleum Centre, just as it did over 100 years ago!
The train operated by Oil Creek and Titusville RR offers excursion trip through the park starting in Titusville.
Paula, a park volunteer, works at the visitors center during the summer season. She can answer any of your questions about the park
Picnic tables and restrooms are located at key points along the bicycle trail.