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Flower Gardens

The park has many flower gardens cared for by volunteers. Some volunteers work on a specific garden plot while others volunteer at several locations.

The wildflower/pollinator garden at the park office is an ongoing project of the park's past and present environmental educators in conjunction with the Master Gardeners and the Friends of Oil Creek State Park. Phase 1 of the project which was completed in 2021 is composed of native wildflowers that are either adapted to the local climate or are self seeding for regrowth the following season. Maintenance on the garden is done each spring by volunteers with the financial support of the Friends. Volunteers work to weed, replant, mulch, water and trim the gardens throughout the growing season. Phase 2 is in the planning stage and will involve the addition of some raised beds.

Wildflower Garden

Wildflower Garden at Park Office.

Ray Gerard

Memorial Plaque for Jean Snyder.

Slide Show

The garden at the park office is dedicated to the memory of Jean Snyder a former officer and Board member.

The park is now involved in a project to introduce native wild flowers back to some previously mowed areas.