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Park Overview

The primary purpose of Oil Creek State Park is to tell the story of the changing landscape.

Just south of Titusville, along Oil Creek, Colonel Edwin Drake struck oil at a depth of 69.5 feet in August 1859. Drake's Well marks the birth of the world's commercial oil industry. The early petroleum industry's oil boom towns and important oil well sites are long gone. They have been replaced by clean trout streams and forested hillsides seen today throughout the park. Few oil wells are still active in the park, but newer gas wells are common.The early history of the oil region is presented well by Drake Well Museum just north of the park.

The events of the exciting 1860's, the time of the original oil boom, receive special emphasis in park's trails and by park personnel.

Several picnic shelters may be reserved for a fee. Call Oil Creek State Park at 814-676-5915 or DCNR reservations at 888-PA-PARKS (888-727-2757)

Two Organized Group Camping areas are available:

Try Cross-country skiing during the winter months.

Take an interactive Slide Show Tour of the park. Thanks to Keith Cubbon.

View the interactive Google map of the park and views of Oil Creek on YouTube.

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For the official word go to DCNR's Oil Creek State Park page.